Add your details to this rental now
Your Benefits
- Pick up your van quicker
- Reduce your waiting time
- Less paperwork to fill out
To speed picking up your rental, you can submit all your documents before your rental using our simple form.
What you will need
Documents to upload
- Driving licence
- Proof of address
- DVLA Check Code
Drivers Details
Just fairly straightforward questions here about the driver
Insurance Details
The usual questions an insurance company will ask
DVLA Check code
Create a licence ‘check code’ to share your driving record with us (only valid 21 days prior to rental). This replaces the paper part of your licence showing any endorsements.
You’ll need:
- your driving licence number
- your National Insurance Number
- the postcode on your driving licence
to get started click here
You can then once you have the check code copy and paste the code into the form or upload the downloaded document. If you would like to email the code then send it to make sure you put your name as the subject of the email.
Proof of address
You will need to provide a form of proof of address not older than 3 months at the time of vehicle pickup. This can include utility bills, home phone bills, bank statements, or credit card statements. Please download from your provider and upload to the form, alternatively, you can email them to make sure you put your name as the subject of the email.